Hypothalamic reset technique (HRT) was developed by Dr. Mike Chance. Throughout his practice in Florida, he noticed a lot of complex and chronic conditions in the body that were often being untreated or worse - mistreated. These conditions include ADD, OCD, insomnia, autoimmune conditions, hypo/hyperthyroidism allergies and much more. Through many years of trial and error using applied kinesiology, spinal reflex taps, and acupuncture - he found this new technique of resetting the hypothalamus and allowing the body to itself.
HRT is a simple technique to reset the Hypothalamus. The Hypothalamus is called the “Brain of the Brain.” This technique allows the Hypothalamus to regain control over so many of the body’s functions. Just look at the list below to see all that the Hypothalamus controls.
HRT is conducted by using applied kinesiology muscle testing and vials consisting of homeopathic endocrine glands and neurotransmitters, the chemicals your brain uses for communication. The practitioner can first assess if the endocrine system is out of balance and then begin to correct the dysfunctions through the hypothalamus gland.
For example, if your main concern is digestive, HRT-trained practitioners test your hypothalamus functional while you are chewing. If it is a concern with cognitive function, they test you while you are reading, writing, or in the case of insomnia, even in the dark.
According to Dr. Chance’s HRT website, “Using simple spinal reflex and acupuncture points, HRT turns switches back on and allows the body to return to its regular, more balanced functioning.”
The technique usually requires 3-4 sessions. The first requires about an hour, and the others take less time, as little as 30 minutes.
Not sure if you have any issues with your hypothalamus? The main causes of its imbalance include:
· Concussions and other head injuries including whiplash
· Anesthetics
· Deeply felt trauma
· Flying in high altitudes (commercial jet travel)
If you have experienced any of those conditions and/or the symptoms mentioned above, you could be a good candidate for HRT and the return to systemic homeostasis, or balance.
Sasson Chiropractic - Located in the Green House
786 Johnnie Dodds, Suite A, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina 29464, United States
843-800-0668 Call or Text